

emprendedores, tecnología y el mundo de los negocios

Como sería Google si tuviese que hacer SEO

Google es una fuente muy importante de tráfico para cualquier site. Recuerdo que en OcioJoven entre el 20-40% de nuestro tráfico venía de Google y que fué nuestra única forma de promoción durante la larga travesía por el desierto, tras el crack puntocom.

El SEO es todo un arte y es divertido ver como influencia el diseño de algunas páginas, llegando incluso a impactar negativamente en la usabilidad si los gestores se dejan llevar por el lado oscuro. Esto genera un dilema de tráfico vs usabilidad, que pone trabas a los interfaces sencillos y limpios, como por ejemplo el del buscador de Google.

Pero como sería Google, si Google tuviese que hacer SEO? Una interesante pregunta que de forma muy divertida han respondido los chicos de Kango/Uptake.  Menudo cambiazo…

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Scientific Sports: 2 segundos para lanzar canasta

Desde pequeño he jugado al basket, en el equipo de la ciudad (ETV Emmerich) o en el equipo del colegio (Liga preferente de colegios en Barcelona), incluso ahora voy todos los sábados a una cancha a meter canastas con mi hijo Martin. Es un deporte que me fascina y considero que como media es mucho más espectacular que el fútbol, donde hay muchos partidos muy aburridos.

Parte de la emoción del basket está en que muchos partido no se deciden hasta los últimos segundos, con jugadores como Michael Jordan o Kobe Bryant llegando a jugarse un anillo (título de liga) en un último tiro.

Pues acabo de descubrir una curiosa serie de videos que analizan científicamente diferentes situaciones deportivas (“Sport Science by FSN”), como por ejemplo la velocidad máxima con la que un jugador puede llegar a hacer un tiro clave en una situación que requiera velocidad, como son los últimos segundos de un partido.

El jugador que aparece, Jason Kapono (Toronto Raptors), es doble campeón de triples de la NBA:

Firefox sigue ganando terreno y alcanza el 29% en Europa

La guerra de los navegadores sigue avanzando a favor del software libre y contra Microsoft: Según un estudio de Xiti Monitor Europa ya cuenta con un 29% de uso de Firefox.

Es interesante ver como el sur de Europa /incluyendo España) está claramente por detrás del norte y sobre todo de Europa del Este en cuanto a penetración. También parece que el uso de Firefox no está correlacionado con la penetración de Internet, dado que en UK tiene baja penetración.

Lo cierto es que aunque el Explorer 7 recuperó mucho terreno igualando la mayoría de avances, en especial el tema de los tabs, FireFox sigue siendo el navegador más versátil y seguro y por eso cuenta el apoyo de cada vez más europeos. Veremos como evoluciona con el FireFox 3 ya en su cuarta versión beta y el Explorer 8 en camino (sin olvidar que Safari y Opera que tampoco se duermen en los laureles)

En cualquier caso no hay nada mejor que la sana competencia para que sigan innovando y mejorando la forma en la que una parte cada vez mayor de la humanidad accede a todo tipo de información y servicios.

Negroponte’s “1 laptop per child initiative”

Nicholas Negroponte has been in the news for a long time as the boss of the legendary “Media Lab” @ MIT. Now in his sixties Negroponte has stepped down from that job and pursues the “1 laptop per child” initiative (OLPC).


Check out one of these videos (18 min, 55 min)

Imagine a world where all school-age children own a laptop computer, even those living in villages lacking power and telephone service. With backing from News Corporation and Google, among others, Negroponte has begun to line up millions of orders from Brazil, Thailand, Egypt, China and South Africa. Even the United Nations has bestowed its imprimatur on the concept.

Negroponte’s prototype computer is a “skinnied down” version of what he describes as the typical “obese” laptop. Remove sales and marketing costs, and set the machine up with a 7.5″ screen, Linux software, a hand crank for power, rugged rubber case, and super bright display so “it can be taken into the sun and read like a book,” and you’ve got a very inexpensive tool for helping 800 million children explore, interact and create.

Negroponte casts a wary eye on the potential grey market appeal of the machines, and is determined to make them so distinctive as a government-distributed, educational tool that taking one would “be like stealing a post office truck.”

Negroponte concludes, “Changing education on the planet is a monumental challenge,” taking decades. But OLPC will “seed the change,” and help “invent the future.” 

Check out the OLPC FAQ for more detail on how they plan to make 100$ laptops 

The proposed $100 machine will be a Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option that is black and white reflective and sunlight-readable at 3× the resolution. The laptop will have a 500MHz processor and 128MB of DRAM, with 500MB of Flash memory; it will not have a hard disk, but it will have four USB ports. The laptops will have wireless broadband that, among other things, allows them to work as a mesh network; each laptop will be able to talk to its nearest neighbors, creating an ad hoc, local area network. The laptops will use innovative power (including wind-up) and will be able to do most everything except store huge amounts of data.
I guess data storage will be provided by Google (or similar) profiting from ads like with Gmail.

Amazing project – certainly one to track and support!

Check out the wikipedia entry for interesting additional info, like criticism from industry, 3rd world country leaders etc….

Thinking about happiness

I happened to stumble accross this though-provoking video-speech from Dan Gilbert, a Harvard Psychologist – he talks about hapiness and human’s ability to predict the best way to reach it.


Here is a nice description of Dan Gilbert’s conclusions from an Amazon review of his book
“1) We often exaggerate in imagining the long- term emotional effects certain events will have on us.
2) Most of us tend to have a basic level of happiness which we revert to eventually.
3) People generally err in imagining what will make them happy.
4) People tend to find ways of rationalizing unhappy outcomes so as to make them more acceptable to themselves.
5) People tend to repeat the same errors in imagining what will make them happy.
6) Events and outcomes which we dread may when they come about turn into new opportunities for happiness.
7) Many of the most productive and creative people are those who are continually unhappy with the world- and thus strive to change it. 8) Happiness is rarely as good as we imagine it to be, and rarely lasts as long as we think it will. The same mistaken expectations apply to unhappiness.

Gilbert makes these points and others with much anecdotal evidence and humor.

A pretty happy video, but not as happy as you think it is going to be.  ”

If you liked it, Gilbert has his blog full of interesting related posts.

Materazzi Nike video – very funny!

Materazzi received a heavy hit from Zidane in the World Cup Finals.

He is certainly cashing in on that foul.

Very funny video! (advertainment)

Biofuels – Green and stable energy of the future?

The always amazing Vinod Khosla has an excellent video on Biofuels you should check if you are interested in new trends and technological progress.

Vinod Khosla

Vinod (check his CV) is one of the co-founders of Sun Microsystems and long-time partner at the legendary Kleiner Perkins and has recently started his own VC fund called Khosla Ventures.

He basically argues that Biofuels will be the next source of energy because they are much better on so many levels:

- Much greener, reducing CO2 emissions

- Geopolitically more stable as it would reduce dependency on Middle-East countries

- Cheaper, as production costs are lower

- Easy to switch as it would not require important changes (as opposed to hydrogen)

- Tested, as Biofuels are already 70% of the fuel used in Brazil

His arguments sound very compelling to my logic mind so I have tried to find counterarguments, which there are more than enough specially attacking Vinod’s assumed energy efficiency of biofuels.

All in all my conclusion is there is still a lot of controversy around our future energy (I went to an interesting hydrogen debate at LBS 15 months ago), and only time will tell how our children will put in the tanks of their cars…

Stay tuned ;-)

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